1 min readAug 30, 2020


We are not mere bodies reeling through life

void of retrospection, cognition and foresight.

We are not mere numbers waiting to be called

bereft of any dignity, value or worth.

We are not mere bodies,

not just flesh, blood and bones

we laugh, grieve and love

in us is a child that has never grown.

We are humans!

We can be weak or strong,

We may be free yet in prison.

We can get stuck or move on,

Or challenge life to just bring it on!

We are roads and destinies.

Smooth and sunny, dim and bumpy.

We can run ahead of our tomorrows.

Or choose to stay in our past.

We are a powerful collective!

Embodied selves with or without reason,

We can be society’s cure or vexation.


We can choose to rise up and walk tall,

to make life count and seize it all.

For we are not mere bodies, we are also souls.

We can choose to live for a noble cause.




Written by JM

I am one among my many wanting to be me. I am the sum of lessons learned, mastered feats and chances gone by.

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